About Us

” So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. “
I Cor.10:31

What We Do

Answer the call and literally go to the ends of the earth.

We are dedicated to living lives of worship that demonstrate our faith outwardly. We do so by answering the call, and literally go to the ends of the earth (or simply across town) to stand in the gap. We seek to support one another tangibly with resources and project support that will see the greatest success with serving those in need.

We know, first hand, the life and love that is expansive as we open doors to delighting the Father with our obedience to care for widows and orphans or the vulnerability of circumstances that would isolate individuals and families from God’s intentions.

Recognizing some will be led to support in a financial way, we seek to open the door to doing so and benefiting from confidence in program coordination and sound stewardship so that all can bring due glory to the Provider!

What We Value

We value rescue, restoration, relationship, and reproduction as components of one’s faith journey and commitment to Christ.


Compassionate service to the least of these as demonstration of God's love and desire for union. True Christ followers can testify to their own "rescue story".


Desire to place love of Christ and worship of God at the forefront of all we do together, we share everything we have and release obstacles to growing relationships that promote rescue and restoration.


Recognition and desire for salvation through Christ as the way to reveal and provide "right" standing with God, a personal decision to live into His design for us.


Deepened understanding of Christ, God's design and desire for a growing Kingdom, activity that makes disciples who make disciples - who seek to rescue, restore and enjoy and promote authentic relationships.


We are members of a community of Jesus followers dedicating our praise and worship while not only gathering, but rejoicing in the scattering of believers.


We believe the Great Commission is for all who are transformed and reconciled to God through the generosity and salvation in Christ. It may lead us to act locally to make disciples or globally - even "to the ends of the earth"


We are motivated by love and compassion to do "whatever it takes" to make the gaps smaller and missions meaningful for development of Gospel led ministry to the least of these, last and lost, thereby making Jesus known and growing God's Kingdom.